Monday, November 16, 2009


Check out this wonderful site I have blogged about this site before because I just LLOOVVEEE the clothes. Whimsical, pretty, classy...just the perfect clothing for children not the off the factory line clothing in stores. Anyway, Jen, from Edens Bouquet is having a giveaway so go check it out!

EDIT: Edens Bouquet is having a giveaway a day this whole week!!! How awsome is that?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Birthday Girl

Yes, it is my birthday. The big 28. Everything after 18 is big. Every time November 2nd comes around I happen to reminisce on days gone by and what the future holds. I know its kind of cheesey..but doesn't everyone. A birthday come around and you think...."well, this year I'm going to get things done, go on a nice vacation, spend more time with loved ones..." and so on. Most people probably do that around the New Years.

I didn't think in 6th grade that I would be around to get married much less have kids. I looked forward to being 18 years old. I guess I thought after 18 it didn't matter how old you were anymore. I didn't really look forward to being 16 either which now looking back was kind of strange with the sweet 16 and all.

Here am I in 6th grade. I had long hair almost to my waist and kept it in a ponytail most of the time..ok..all of the time...OK, OK..I still do. Some things never change. See how dark I was? Tanning beds were not invented then...or if they were, they were not cool. This is all natural from the sun.
Graduation 2000. Still have the hair pulled back. I had just received a gift from my brother. My very own camera!!! I loved that camera..still do. That was before digital.
September 2009. I looked and looked for a recent picture of myself and this is what I found. I gained a few pounds, OK a lot of pounds, but its still me.

Happy Birthday to me.