Saturday, August 22, 2009

Flowers of summer

We went to Mom's and Dad's place to take some pictures of the lily's. I wish I was able to capture their beauty better. I probably should have used a flash but I was worried of overexposure. Anyway...they are very fragrant. You can't stay by them long they are so potent. I think there are about 11 or 12 flowers on each stalk.
Sararuth and Jacob posing for the camera.

By this time the kids were really tired but I am glad we went. Dad really wanted us to take pictures of his flowers.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

ahhh..those lazy summer days

Here are a few more pictures from our trip to the river.

Just look at those chunky legs and arms!!!

She just learned to give kisses so I'll ask her to give me a kiss and she'll come up so prim and proper and give me a peck. No wet smooch for her.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Summer fading away...

...into fall. Summer is slipping away so rapidly! We now have a few hot days however, I am afraid that there are not to many of those left. Its so sad to see summer fade away when we are just getting used to the heat. I must admit I was sort of hoping for some cooler days when it was in the 90's. I guess I'm just not ready for the winter and layers of clothing. We really didn't go anywhere this summer except to Eastern Washington for a weekend. If we go anywhere I want to do the whole shabang or nothing at all. I don't want to pack all the kids gear and then have to unpack it all after two days.

Wait...we did go to Lake Kachees. What a beautiful lake!!! I am so sad that we didn't have a camera. The day was so beautiful and the color of the lake nestled in the mountains was sooo green. Since I don't have any pictures of Lake Kachees, I'm showing some of us at the river. We went one afternoon after the kids drove me CRAZY the whole day. It was hot and sticky so we drove the short distance to the river and let them play. They let me play was more like it.

Friday, August 14, 2009


I know I haven't been posting in about two weeks. Everyone is saying that summer is almost over and what fun they had...we haven't been anywhere!!! At least not yet. I guess that's the plus of having small children not yet in school. You don't have to plan around the school schedule. I do have pictures I want post as soon as I get the camera from my brother Tino. As you may recall Jacob lost the battery charger for our camera and I am unable to use it until I find it or buy another one. I don't really want to buy another one when I know there's one around somewhere but, I may have to eventually.

In the mean time...we're having a GIVEAWAY!!! Well, not me but Vanessa at She has a blog (V and Co.) that I frequent quite often because she has the best ideas for home decorating.

She is giving away this beautiful pillow thanks to the peeps at CSN Mattresses.
Isn't she beautiful!!

So, check out her blog and leave her some love. You may win!!