Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dare devils...

I've talked about my kids somewhat, however not said anything about my husband Sam. Here is a video that pretty much describes him to a t. He was at the top of the electricity poll. You can't see him because they only videoed half of it, however he was there. He told me about this many times and I never really believed it, but when one of his buddies emailed this video I realized that I'm not the only woman who has a dare devil for a husband!!! This was taken in his home town of Alba Iulia, Romania. Over 50,000 people were there, many traveled from other counties, may be countries as well..and it all happened in his home town...what lucky guy. I don't know who were more crazy, the stunt men or Sam's father who provided the cardboard boxes that were supposed to soften their landing.

May be I am just describing one side of him. He is a wonderful husband, a stellar father, and a great cook. But, there have been times when I've reminded him that he can't take Jacob on the dirt bike...he's only 2!!

New friends...old friends

A few days ago I was pondering a few things and among all those things, the purpose of this blog. I'm not sure there even is a purpose other than me showing off my kids, but since my dad just got out of the hospital after being in there for a few days, I began to think that there may be a purpose after all. Last year around this time my dad was in the hospital again. That time he had a heart attack, this time it was pneuomonia. Can you believe it??? Pneuomonia in 90 degree weather? I began to think that life is short. I know that is not very insiteful, but it's the truth. Life IS short, and I think that most of us are so caught up in our everyday lives that we forget we are here only once. I guess if there is a purpose it's staying in touch. I've made so many friends over the years, but slowly we fell out of touch. May be they moved away, or we went to different schools, or they got married and I was not, or I got married and they were not. I hope to regain some old friends and may be make new ones through this blog.

My parents last year after Sararuth was born. They are showing off their Lily's visable inbetween both of them. Look how tiny Sararuth is!!

Me trying out my camera skills...I know...I will learn someday.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More pictures...

I forgot to mention the photographers we hired were from Monica and her husband Sonny were great with the kids and made them laugh and smile. Overall we had a great experience.

family pictures for 2009

Every year we take family pictures. For the past two years we've gone to the studio and had the two or three outfit changes however, this year I thought that would be to much for us with three kids. So, we went to Point Defiance Park in Tacoma and hired a photographer. The park is very big and has many many spots to take pictures. It also has the Point Defiance Zoo close by. We didn't go to the zoo but it is something I want to do in the future. Back to the picture thing. I want to eventually buy a good camera and take pictures on my own. I think these pictures are great. I don't think that we would achieved anything close to this in a studio with three kids.

Monday, July 27, 2009


My little love!! We debated on names for 9 months!!! And finally Jacqueline Liora was chosen. I don't know how I managed to have all my children in June. I am not a professional photographer in anyway, however going to take classes and hopefully buy a good camera. So...I apologize for the pictures if they are blurry.


Sararuth is 1. Jacob and Sararuth share a birthday. Here is her hair cut. This was done last year. I wish I had a recent picture of her hair cut as well..they don't stand still enough to snap a picture. Plus Jacob lost the battery charger to the camera.


Jacob is now two years old. Sam cut his hair just yesterday although I don't have a picture of that. Last year when Sam cut his hair he loved it!!! He was laughing! I think the razor was tickling him and he was giggling. I do have a picture of that. We had to put him in his high chair because he would'nt stay still. Both he and his sister Sararuth had a hair cut.

finally blogging

Who knew that blogging would be so much fun. I finally have my own blogspot and can't wait to see what happens. I am very behind the times however in between diaper changes, bottle feedings, and naps I will catch up. Wish me luck.